Pheasant Babies Arrive

new hatch pheasant Apr 15, 2022

They are here! 30 new ring necked pheasants all active and busy! The new (toothless) cat that adopted us all is enjoying "Bird TV" as she watches the new little ones and learns they are part of our pack and NOT a snack.

"Mini", the bob tailed cat, did such a great job learning that last year that she knocked the socks off some visitors when she stalked, with great stealth, headed toward the chicken house. They watched, amazed, as she bolted in a flash right past the chicks to pounce on the thieving pigeons that were aiming for the chick feeder! 

So our tiny pheasant chicks are enjoying their special vitamin enhanced water and greenies in their feed. The brooder heater is keeping them all toasty and snug as they grow and develop their beautiful feathers.

 I hope you enjoy the video Terena sent over with love!

Keep your sunny side up, 


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