
Apr 30, 2022

She did it! Our little Silkie hen has hatched two tiny Ring Necked Pheasants! We are hoping she will teach them to be calm and hang around so they can be free ranged too. At this point they had to be coached to go back under her to stay warm and I have to say.... she makes funny faces at them! I think she is wondering about their non-chicken behavior!! At least they won't try to swim. That would surely freak her out! They seem to love their new super soft adoptive mom. We always did believe in adoption!! 

Update......WOOPS! Failed adoption. It looks like the new mom needed a parenting class or something. She let them get cold or she tried to call them and they did not understand. The lone survivor we named Ranger, ( yes the lone Ranger) is now in the brooder with two Celedon quail chicks.

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