Geese, the Best Loyal Guardians Ever!
Sabastopols the "Russian Ballerinas"
Quieter and more gentle than the typical goose, they are still outstanding guardians of your property. These head turners love their people and each other. These 12-14 pound birds are good egg layers too. So graceful and beautiful to watch, ours even come to the garden to get a snuggle and help weed as we work. Bond with them when they are little and you have a friend for life!
Goslings $125 ea, Adults $250
I want SabastopolsAmerican Buff
Something about geese you need to know. They work your way into your heart to where you can't help but love them. Even their honking delights your heart and helps you feel safe knowing they are on duty watching over your property! Then to top it all off they give you eggs. Baking with goose eggs is amazing! Fresh pasta to die for!! Goslings $20, Adults $50.
I want American BuffPhoto Gallery
Baby Sabastopols imprinting with Terena. The blue eyes of a Sabastopol. The morning dance of the geese as they heard to the river for their morning splash and wash. Peace on the river that soothes the soul!